Georgia's Bridge Bill:
The General Assembly of Georgia enacted the BRIDGE Law (House Bill 400) on May 20, 2010. This law was passed to ensure that Georgia's 6th - 12th grade students were made aware of available college and career options.
Click the buttons below to access resource sites that can help prepare you for the Work Ready Job Expo!
Using career center resources from UGA, select the Basic or First Year resume template to begin building your own!
The Basic Interview Questions are helpful in giving an idea of what potential employers might ask during the Job Expo.
Career Preparation: The training we need for the career we want may differ, but our priority on preparing for the world of work is the same for all of us!
Senior Links:
Georgia's Career Clusters |
CTAE, World Language, Fine Arts and Academic Pathways |
Each career cluster offers various pathways that high school students can experience. Pathways provide in-depth training for a possible career focus, allow students to explore a passion, or learn a trade! Students can earn a credential or even a certificate or degree from a Technical College prior to graduation, giving them a financial and educational advantage by entering into the world of work earlier, and possibly with reduced student debt.
Each plan for career preparation should be as individual and unique as each of our students! There are many ways to achieve career goals and high school students have great options! |